Expected Benefits of Improved Fitness:

  1. Extends life expectancy.
  2. Increased energy and stamina.
  3. Levels of stress are reduced.
  4. Improves quality of rest and sleep.
  5. Aids body weight maintenance.
  6. Helps reduce illness and disease.
  7. Increased strength and mobility.
  8. Looking good and feeling good.

There are three areas that my wife and I focus on.  They are strength training (free weights/machines), cardiovascular training (aerobics, spinning, cross-trainer, elliptical and treadmill and stretching.  Also, the roller for the back, legs, etc. has served me well.

Here’s the secret that’s not really a secret:


You have to commit yourself to achieve your desired success.  Small commitment = small success, great commitment = great success.  Really, after all is said and done, YOU have to want it.

So, 5 days per week we follow our program.  Some days are less intense than others and the maximum effort is not there, but we go and give it our best shot.  Adequate rest is vital as well to your overall success as your body requires the rest to perform optimally.  I have found over the years that with the proper rest I can perform my workout daily with no problems.

One of my goals along with having an inspiring and energetic workout each day is to leave the gym with no “injuries”.  A rested body, good form/technique, good nutrition and not trying to “over do it” will certainly aid in this effort.

There is a study "What Makes Muscle Age Clue Discovered" that suggests that the ability of old human muscle to be maintained and repaired by muscle stem cells can be restored to youthful vigor given the right mix of biochemical signals.  If true, this provides promising new targets for forestalling the debilitating muscle atrophy that accompanies aging and perhaps other tissue degenerative disorders as well.  As we age it becomes harder to keep our muscles healthy.  They get smaller which decreases strength and increases the likelihood of falls and fractures.  Decreased muscle strength is also associated with difficulty in performing functional activities such as stooping, crouching or kneeling.

"Don't Give In and Don't Give Up"..Fight (Aging) To The End!!!     (YES YOU CAN!!!)

What do we do for our workout?  We do only one body part a day of the big muscle groups.

MONDAY-                  CHEST ABS -STRETCHING / ROLLER / POWER PLATE 30-45mins/cardio (Stair Climber and/or Elliptical or Bike or Treadmill)
TUESDAY-                 ARMS   30-45mins/cardio  (Stair Climber and/or Elliptical or Bike or Treadmill)
WEDNESDAY-      SHOULDERS ABS -STRETCHING / ROLLER / POWER PLATE 30-45mins/cardio  (Stair Climber and/or Elliptical or Bike or Treadmill)
THURSDAY-              BACK   30-45mins/cardio  (Stair Climber and/or Elliptical or Bike or Treadmill)
FRIDAY-                    LEGS ABS -STRETCHING /ROLLER / POWER PLATE 30-45mins/cardio. (Stair Climber and/or Elliptical or Bike or Treadmill)


Email me for tips or with your questions.